They’re Out There, Somewhere

Commentary by Lola Ogunfiditimi. Photo courtesy of NBC News.

There have been many rumors and conspiracy theories on whether aliens are real or not. Although aliens may not live on Earth, I feel that they’re still somewhere within the billions of galaxies and trillions of planets out there. If there is life on Earth, there must be life on other planets too. Life may not exist in our solar system, but it exists beyond it. 

Aliens are something that we humans cannot fully comprehend, which is probably why there are suspicions of them being real. However, would it make sense for humans to be the only living beings in the entire universe? Knowing that there are so many Earth-like planets in the universe leaves many scientists questioning that theory. I say that there are aliens within our universe. They may not be gray, or have huge eyes, but they’re different from us. Perhaps they look exactly like us? Or maybe they’re the complete opposite. Even though there is very little evidence of aliens existing, it is a possibility. 

Even though there is little proof that aliens exist, it wouldn’t make sense for humans to be the only living beings throughout the whole universe—a universe that contains billions of stars, galaxies, planets, and more minerals than anybody can count has to be home to somebody, or something, else. 

Lola Ogunfitiditmi is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Armstrong Middle School.