What is Black History?

Story by Dhenim Washington. Photo courtesy of Air Force Life Cycle Management.

Black excellence is the success of Black Americans that inspire others to do what they were not allowed to do in the world. Black leaders like Shirley Chisholm, the first African-American woman elected to Congress, and Frederick Douglass, a former slave turned impactful leader, inspire those today to follow their own path of excellence.

Black History Month has been celebrated during the month of February since1976. President Gerald Ford is credited with establishing Black History Month as a national celebration month. Black history honors Black people from all periods of U.S. history, from the enslaved people first brought over from Africa in the early 17th century, to African-Americans living in the United States today who made a positive impact on the world. 

Black history is important to me, and should be to you too. The pain that the enslaved people had to endure in order to make the world fair is poignant to me. Knowing and understanding Black history can motivate African-Americans to continue to make positive and effective change. 

Dhenim Washington and Ja’Miraa Helms are 5th grade scholars at Friendship Southeast Elementary School.