FNN Reports on the AIDS Epidemic in DC

Washington DC has one of the highest rates of HIV in the world and teenagers are more at risk than any other group. Ms. Coleman’s communications students and FNN student reporters, photographers and designers worked together this fall to produce the following reports and interviews. First stop was a community forum at the Washington Times. This forum will mark the beginning of a year-long FNN project ending with a one-hour television and radio teen summit this coming June. You can listen to interviews from the Washington Times Forum below.

Hassan Pye and Eleanor Holmes Hassan Pye interviews DC Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton on the importance of getting tested. Photo: Ahmed Davis.


2-hassanwiesman.jpg Hassan Pye interviews Ann Wiseman from Metro Teen AIDs an organization that reaches out to teens. Photo: Ahmed Davis.


3-hassankates.jpg Hassan Pye interviews Jennifer Kates from the Kaiser Family Foundation on what can be done to get the word out. Photo: Ahmed Davis.


adonis payne Adonis Miller interviews Dr. Gregory Payne from the DC Department of Health. Photo: Ahmed Davis.


5-adonischin.jpg Adonis Miller interviews Barbara Chin from the Max Robinson Clinic about the testing and medical services they offer. Photo: Ahmed Davis.


Ultra Teen Choice Adonis Miller interviews Simi Akiwande from Ultra Teen Choice on abstinence as a choice to stop HIV, STD’s and pregnancy.


AIDS PSA - Get TESTED Click the image to view the print PSA.