It’s Time to Prepare for Track

Story by Empris Graham. Picture from

NOV. 16, 2016: Starting Wednesday, November 9, 2016, students at Friendship Tech Prep will be able to prepare for their upcoming track season.

To become a professional track runner you have to be able to practice everyday which includes jogging, stretching, and proper breathing techniques.  Additionally, you need to make sure when you run in the event you picked that you never quit  in the middle of the race. And, you have to drink plenty of water, but not before you run or your stomach is going to hurt.  

You should never stress about winning. Make sure with each race you wear comfortable running shoes with spikes, but never wear regular shoes. If, you want to be a sprinter, you have to build up to a longer distance every day which includes 4 by 2 miles.

I want to become a track racer because I have long legs and I run fast. But, one of my main issues is that I don’t know how to breath correctly while running. Even with that, I’ve still won both first and second place. So that’s telling me that i have to eat healthy and stretch more.

When people like me go to a track meet, they’re looking for something—a world record something that hasn’t been done before. I get all this magnetic energy from people on the track.  People are focusing on one thing at the same time.  I really get excited about it.  It makes me want to compete even more. All the hours of hard work, make it all worthwhile.

Empris Graham is a 8th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.