First Snow of the New Year Brings Blizzard Temperatures

Story by Trinity Horton. Video by Janiya Rivera

On Saturday, January 7th, DC saw snow for the first time in the New Year. It wasn’t much, but a dusting to cover the grass. The streets were treated very well with salt. I think there was more salt than actual snow this time. DC really stepped it up this year by planning ahead. What did happen was a huge drop in the temperatures. Temperatures got all the way down to 12 degrees. This is definitely when the brrrrrrrrrr comes out of a person. No longer does it take ten minutes to get dressed for school. It’s more like twenty-five minutes to an hour to make sure you have everything needed to stay warm.

At arrival and dismissal, all you could see were hats, gloves, scarves, earmuffs, and Ugg boots. This was the first time that the Lost and Found box at school was empty of jackets. This is the time of the year when outdoor recess is usually canceled, lips are chapped, and classmates are borrowing Carmex, lip balm, and lotion all day.

With temperatures keeping everyone indoors, kids are bored from not playing with friends on the playground and everyone is about to lose their minds. It’s horrible that we have to travel to and from school freezing to death. The only thing that can really put a smile on faces is a hot cup of cocoa or twelve feet of snow that will give students a SNOW DAY.

Trinity Horton and Janiya Rivera is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.