Woodridge Eagles’ Staff Takes on New Meaning for “Spirit Week”

Story and photos by Olivia Leslie, reporter, FNN Woodridge Bureau.

DEC. 17, 2015: On December 1, 2015, the Woodridge staff participated in an awesome and fun spirit week. Each day grade level teams and staff members participated in a competitive fashion event during spirit week. Themes for each day included: Go Back to the Days of “Old” and Wear Your Best 80’s Outfit, Tacky Day (Bamma Day)—wear your wackiest/tackiest outfit to school, Twin Day—find a professional and dress alike, Blackout Day—wear ALL BLACK as we stand together to provide the best education for our Woodridge scholars, and Nerd Day—get your “Steve Urkel” on and come ready to learn! This was a fun and exciting time to see the entire school come together to show off their school spirit. The adults had their chance, and now students are so excited and eager to get their opportunity to participate in the Scholar’s Spirit Day. The best is yet to come and we all feel as though we can do it better!

Olivia Lesley is a 7th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.