The Coronavirus: How to Stay Safe

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Story by Nataleigh Jackson. Photo from  

MAR. 12, 2020: Coronavirus. What is it? The Coronavirus is a respiratory disease which is usually found in animals but it can be spread to humans. The Coronavirus is split into four main groups: 229E (Alpha coronavirus), NL63 (Alpha Coronavirus), OC43 (Beta Coronavirus), andHKU1 (Beta Coronavirus). These four are the most common viruses that have affected humans all around the world recently. Scientists believe that the first case of Coronavirus may have started in China. People were so unaware of the disease that they didn’t take any precautions. Coronavirus symptoms are much like flu symptoms. It’s flu season so it would be kind of hard to detect it. 

Now, people around the world have acted frantically regarding this Coronavirus. A lot of people don't know where to start or how to stay safe from the virus. 

To stay safe you should: Disinfect all surfaces thoroughly at least twice a day. Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds before and after you use that bathroom, before and after you cook anything, and after you sneeze, cough, or blow your nose. If you plan on traveling anywhere make sure you wear some form of a mask to protect you from bacteria that can be lingering in any airports. 

Be mindful of other people. Stay SAFE, Stay Healthy. 

Nataleigh Jackson is a junior at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.