Friendship Tech Prep’s Wonderful Teacher of the Year

Story by Sean Beach. Photos by Sean Beach and A’Myri Thornton

MAR. 13, 2019: This school year, Tech Prep has selected a phenomenal Teacher of the Year nominee. Ms. Clara Epps was voted by many staff members, parents, and students to be this year’s Teacher of the Year. Ms. Epps definitely deserved it and this was a major accomplishment for her.

Ms. Epps didn’t even expect to be the Teacher of the Year. When I asked Ms. Epps “How do you feel about being the Teacher of the Year at Tech Prep” she stated, “I am very excited, but this is my job and I don’t come to work at 6:30 am everyday to win, I come for my students”.

Ms. Epps is a very passionate educator and she ensures that all of her scholars will go to and through college no matter what. Ms. Epps has been teaching for six years but you would never know until she tells you. Ms. Epps has always ensured that all of her scholars no matter who they are, what they come from, or the type of disabilities they have will be successful day in and day out.

Everyday, Ms. Epps brightens up the room with her big smile and her vibrant and positive attitude. Ms. Epps biggest thing is consistency and she shows it everyday no matter the time or place. Ms. Epps will go out of her way for anyone in need. She is just an all around amazing and wonderful educator, life-long learner, and so many more things.

Ms. Epps may not have won Friendship Public Charter Schools’ Teacher of the Year but to all of the Tech Prep staff, students, and parents, Ms. Epps is and will always be the Teacher of the Year. Congratulations Ms. Epps!!!!

Sean Beach is a 10th grade scholars at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.