MAP Testing and Its Benefits

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Story by Zhiyah Anderson. Photo by Sean Beach.

MAR. 13, 2019: Every couple of months throughout the school year, Tech Prep scholars take the MAP Assessment which is a computerized test that gives teachers and school administrators a look at where their students stand academically. The MAP test is usually taken 4 times a year: Fall, Winter, Mid-March, and Spring. The MAP Assessment tests all skills that scholars need to know based on their grade level and what they have learned so far. The basic subjects that the MAP covers are reading and math. At the end of both assessments, we get a score based on the overall test and scores for each skill level. For my grade level which is 10th grade, the goal for reading is a 233 and for the mathematical portion, it’s 246 by the end of the school year.

The very last time that we’ll take the NWEA MAP assessment is a week after the PARCC, which is another standardized test for students to see if they have learned anything during the school year.

For my school, Friendship Tech Prep, the MAP assessment isn’t just another test to give students whenever, it also helps school administrators figure out students’ academic needs for the next school year and to get a look at how students will do in the future for the SAT/ACT.

Zhiyah Anderson and Sean Beach are 10th grade scholars at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.