Inner Cities Need Clubs

Story by Malachi Gray and Zakiah Perry. Photo courtesy of The Washington Post.

Inner cities need more clubs. When we say inner cities, we mean our community, Ward 8, in Southeast Washington, D.C. Whether it’s after school or during the summer, we all need more clubs. The clubs we want the most are swimming and art clubs. 

We need a swimming club because kids need to learn how to swim. If families go on vacation to the beach, and kids decide to go into the water and go to the deep end, kids who don’t know how to swim can drown. Swimming clubs can also help kids to stay safe and even inspire them to become competitive swimmers.

We need art clubs in our community because art clubs provide kids with the opportunity to be creative and express how they feel. Art clubs can also help kids who suffer from depression or are stressed. Art can help communicate information, shape our everyday lives and make a social statement. Art makes you more observant, enhances problem-solving skills, boosts self-esteem and provides a sense of accomplishment. 

In conclusion, inner cities need more clubs because they will help kids stay out of trouble, keep them safe, and help them learn different skills.

Za’kiah Perry and Malachi Grey are 4th grade scholars at Friendship Southeast Academy.