How PARCC Testing Went for the 8th-Grade

Story by Zhiyah Anderson. Photo from

JUNE 12, 2017: Of course, you know that testing can be extremely stressful especially when it’s a very important test that helps decide whether or not you will be passing to the next grade. I asked a couple of other 8th graders how they felt about PARCC testing and how they are handling it. Most of the responses were ok and others not so much. For me personally, the PARCC is very easy and not at all how I thought it would be. The only thing that I have to say is that in the reading portion some of the answers seem to mean the same thing and I couldn't figure out which one to choose. Some of my close friends agreed and said the big issue was actually picking the best answers. And also, some of the stories were boring while others were relatable.

On Monday, May 21, 2017,  we started on the math portion of the PARCC and honestly to me it was easy but very frustrating. It was most frustrating because, on the first section of the math PARCC, I completely forgot the steps to solve the problem. Hopefully, the next sections will be easier and maybe I will feel more relaxed.

Zhiyah Anderson is an 8th-grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.