A is for Artificial

By Mikayla Decker Image from www.Blisstree.com

JAN. 27, 2017: Do you know what is in your food? Have you ever looked at the ingredients on a potato chips bag? Some of the main ingredients are maltodextrin, ferrous sulfate, and riboflavin. According to Cumberlink.com, “Maltodextrin is a food additive that is produced from a grain starch”. Maltodextrin is used as a stabilizer, sweetener, and thickener in many packaged foods. It is also found in condiments like salad dressings, spice mix, soup, and sauces. One of the dangers of Maltodextrin is that it is made from acid, enzymes, and starch. So it can raise blood sugar. I chose this website to quote from because it introduced me to the most information about dangerous ingredients in our food. I am showing this particular brand, Cheetos because many people I know would immediately think of eating Hot Cheetos.

According to kidshealth.com, high blood sugar is bad because it can make you feel lousy. It can cause heart disease, vision problems, and nerve problems.

For a healthy treat, I would recommend cinnamon graham crackers, fig biscuits, and cheese crackers. You could also try fruit, yogurt, granola bars, caramel popcorn, and Cracker Jacks if you want a sweet snack. If you like spicy snacks you could get Kettle jalapeno potato chips. You can find this snack in our school’s vending machine.

Mikayla Decker is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Elementary School.