Amazing Animals of Isabela Island!

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Story by Victoria Ekanem, 5th grade FNN reporter, Friendship Blow Pierce Elementary. Picture from Google.

Woah, look at all these cool animals! Today, I went to Isabela Island, Ecuador and saw three cool animals!

First, I saw a Blue Footed Booby. That bird looked really cool and crazy. It's really crazy how their feet are blue because if I had blue feet, I'd be worried! But it's really cool too! I really like the color blue. Then, I got to see a giant tortoise. They are really cute and big. I thought it was pretty cool how big they grow in size! Also, I thought it was pretty funny to watch them eat. They chew like horses with their mouths wide open and food all over the place. They have really big shells! 

Finally, I saw a Galapagos Land Iguana! I wasn’t a big fan of iguanas. So, I was really scared of it! It had a very dark orange color. It was moving very fast around the rocks, I knew if I tried to run from one it would try to catch me. It's pretty cool even though it's a little scary. I had so much fun seeing these animals!