And On The 2024 Ballot... Donald Trump?

Story by Kayla Adames. Photo courtesy of People.

The question that has been on everyone's mind recently is, could we see Donald Trump on the 2024 ballot? Well, we finally got our answer. On November 15, 2022, Trump announced that he would run for president again. There is much speculation around whether this would be good or bad for our country, and personally, I don’t think we should see Trump in office again.

During his term as president, Trump was impeached not only once, but twice. Fun fact: Trump is the first US president to get impeached twice. This brings up the question if he is fit to run for president again. One impeachment already gives you a bad rap, but two? If this isn't a red flag, then I don’t know what is.

After January 6th, I would think that the number of Trump supporters has plummeted, even if there are still people who are die hard Trump supporters. Truthfully speaking, I do still see “Make America Great Again” bumper stickers and flags when I go to places like North Carolina, but would you still want a man like that in office?

Despite my personal opinion on the matter; when it’s time to vote, make sure you hit the polls and tell your friends to do the same. However, is a vote for Trump really a vote for the best for our country, given his track record? Only time will tell.

Kayla Adames is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge International School.