Are We Ready To Relax Mask Mandates and Return To In-Person School?

Commentary By  Zachary Walls, Image by Zachary Walls

JUL. 16, 2021: Since March 2020, students like me have been online learning. Now since people are taking more precautions and a vaccine has been released, students are being allowed to reenter schools for hybrid learning with moderate restrictions. But how long until we fully return to school with no restrictions? Some students have done well with online classes. However, some students require more assistance with work. I feel like school and students should try to get back to in-person school and do their best to take no risks.

While distance learning is good, it can’t replace in-person learning. For instance, art and STEM classes require more physical activities like gardening or sculpting. Some people are more comfortable learning in person because they aren’t as good at using computers for learning. 

In-person learning can be achieved if everyone in the school gets vaccinated or takes tests before coming into school to make sure they’re not infected. But schools and students need to take the necessary precautions before people go back to school in person.

Zachary Walls is a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.