Ask the Mighty Scholar

April 28, 2015:

Dear Mighty Scholar…..

Why do we go to school?                                                     Pop Boy

Dear Pop Boy,

We go to school so that we can grow our brains and become successful in life.

Dear Mighty Scholar…..

There is a girl at school who doesn't like me. What should I do?                                                                                   Candy Yum Yum

Dear Candy Yum Yum,

Focus on the people who do like and care about you. Everyone is not going to like you.     

Dear Mighty Scholar…

Why do we have Spirit Week?                                            Dada

Dear DaDa,

Spirit Week is for all students to get ready for PARCC testing. We have fun and relax so we  can get excited about the test.

Dear Mighty Scholar…..

Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?                                  No Name            

Dear No Name,

We celebrate Valentine’s Day so that the people we love and care about will be reminded of how special they are to us. We sometimes forget to let our loved ones know how we feel during the year.

The Southeast Media Team are scholars in grades three to five at Friendship Southeast Academy.