Blow Pierce S-p-e-l-l-i-n-g Bee

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Story and Photo by Christian Henson

February 7th, 2017. Have you ever wanted to be in a school spelling bee? Well, I have always wanted to participate in an actual real spelling bee. My school spelling bee has lots of easy and hard words like personification, precautionary, and aspirations. Spelling bees can be hard but at the same time you may receive an “easy word.”  One of my Favorite-of-all-movies “Akeelah and The Bee” truly inspired me to become a speller. If you spell all of the words correctly, you will end up in first place and I'm sure you'll also win a huge prize. If you spell one wrong, you get in second place, or maybe third. The first, second, and third place winners go to the state competition and the state competition and then the nationals. The three winners from our school are: in first place, 7th grader Shakiyah Yindui; in second place 5th grader, Paris Murray; and in 3rd place, Sky Edbon.

Christian Henson is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.