Bowie State Student Stabbed: Possibly A Hate Crime

Story by Nataleigh Jackson. Picture from

JULY 27, 2017: Two days before 23-year-old Richard Collins III was fatally stabbed by 22-year-old Sean Urbanski, he was commissioned as the second lieutenant in the United States Army. Richard was celebrating his commission with his friends when Sean walked up to them. Sean told the group and said, “Step left, step left if you know what's good for you”. Richard didn’t listen. He said, “No”. Once Richard said no, Sean stabbed him in his chest. Sean was drunk. He never left the crime scene and he was then arrested and charged with murder.

Investigators stated Sean was a part of a racist group on Facebook called “Alt-Reich Nation”. Alt-Reich Nation is hateful towards women, children, and African-Americans. The FBI is currently looking through forensic files to see if Sean was associated with any other hate groups.

Nataleigh Jackson is a rising 9th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.