Mother of Assaulted Woman in the Bill Cosby Trial Has Spoken

Story Zhiyah Anderson. Picture from

JULY 27, 2017: After the trial for Bill Cosby, the mother of one the assaulted woman, Andrea Constand, has finally spoken up. As soon as Andrea’s mother got information about her daughter getting assaulted in 2004, she testified against Cosby in the trial that was held on June 7, 2017. While testifying, she mentioned a two-hour phone call that she had with Cosby a while back and that’s when things got heated. Gianna Constand, Andrea’s mother then added that Cosby tried to trick her and make her believe that the assault was consensual and that her daughter agreed to the situation. During the trial, the jury thought that the story was weird because Gianna told the jury that as soon as the situation happened with her daughter, she was informed. But if the situation was so long ago why is the situation just now being brought up?I think it's hard to believe that “America's Dad” could have ever done something like this and that it’s all made up.

Zhiyah Anderson is a rising 9th grade scholar Friendship Tech Prep Academy.