Break Through in Anime History

Story by Sy`Quan Clark. Image from-Visionary Outlook.

FEB 2, 2016: There is this new anime that comes out this spring. It's called Bloodline and it looks like the new go to anime for all.

There is very little back story to this new anime, but there is one quote I got from the website,"In History Only A Descendent Of The Royal Bloodline Has The Inner Energy to Take On The Dark Alliance". To me, this quote means that only the people with a certain ¨bloodline” are able to fight against the forces of evil. I am so excited to say that I’m looking forward to watching this anime because the main characters are black. I really hope that I will get to see this anime and get other people interested in it.

This is so huge for me is because I love anime, I love seeing my culture advance, and it looks pretty cool. The creators are trying to raise money to further promote the series. In most 

anime I’ve seen, there are only a handful of black characters, with even fewer black main characters, like in the critically acclaimed anime Afro-Samurai. I hope you are as psyched as I am about this new amazing anime….coming at you at

Tell us what you think in the comments section.

Sy`Quan Clark is a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.