Chance the Rapper Donates Millions to Chicago Schools

Story by Janiya Rivera. Photo courtesy of Screenshot via Hbz.

MARCH 20, 2017: A lot of people don’t like rap music. Why? Some people feel that the lyrics are gritty, not positive, about violence, living in the projects, and use profanity. There is also the rough beat that can be too much for a lot of people's ears. Nevertheless, some rappers are making a name for themselves. For Chance the Rapper, he has come on the scene by producing his own music. This year at the 2017 Grammy Awards, Chance the Rapper won three awards including the Best New Artist Award for his album, Coloring Book.

Chance is a 23-year-old rapper who is a new favorite of Barack Obama and Lin-Manuel Miranda, a nephew to Beyonce, locker room go-to for LeBron James, and close friend to Kanye West. This new artist is giving back in a major way these days. Chance the Rapper just donated $1 million to the Chicago Public School system. He also encouraged companies in Chicago and around the country to donate to Chicago schools, calling his contribution “a call to action.”

There are so many schools in need of help and it is good to know that celebrities like Chance the Rapper care about children getting a good education. I hope this sparks interest in other celebrities to come forth and give back to the same communities that they have come from. Not all rap music is bad, and not all rappers are giving, but this is one example of someone who is setting the bar real high.

Janiya Rivera is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.