College and Careers Day at Tech Prep

Story by Sean Beach. Photos by Terrell Artis, LaRai Sampson and Dionel Grice

NOV. 18, 2015: On November 17, 2015 Friendship Tech Prep High School hosted a college and careers fest. FNN Tech Prep Middle School had the chance to experience it with them. There were many colleges there such as Cornell University, Howard University, Hampton University, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Mississippi Valley State University, Drexel University and SUNY Geneseo. We had the chance to interview different people and learn about the colleges that they came to present to us. They had types of things to show us about their colleges and all of the colleges that they went to. Most of the presenters were teachers for Friendship Tech Prep High School.

I was able to really learn about all of the types of colleges that I have never in my life heard of and I’d like to go to a few of those colleges. I just figured out that lots of things can change.

Sean Beach is a 7th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Middle School.