Collegiate Students Show Off Their Talents At Fine Arts Showcase

Story by Tatyna Holloman, Aniya Banks & Destiny Monroe. Photo by Tatyana Holloman 

On November 17, 2022, Fine Arts students at Collegiate held a showcase of performances for their peers to enjoy. Drama students acted out a scene from A Raisin in the Sun, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot and played a press-conferencing game for the audience. Mr. Johnson’s 4th block class danced to Forever by Lil’ Baby and Beyonce’s hit Diva. Paris Barnes sang All of Me, while Jonta Ross and Ajayla Beach sang The Lazy Song.

According to Ms. Thompson, planning the showcase was hard but extremely rewarding work. “We've been working all semester on our songs. It was difficult because the majority of my students were beginners, so teaching them how to play the notes, and teaching them how to read the music was the most challenging part. But the best part is when everybody gets it, the 'Aha Moment’ of, yeah, this is what the music is supposed to sound like! Students were very nervous, because most don’t think that they have to perform, but they do. They did great, and that makes me feel good as a teacher because it means that I'm doing something right.” 

Overall, the showcase was incredible and the enthusiastic crowd loved it.

Tatyana Holloman, Destiny Monroe and Aniya Banks are seniors at Friendship Collegiate Academy.