Come On Ladies Let’s Get in Formation: Woodridge Eagles Take the Maryland Cup by Storm

Story by Janiya Rivera. Photos by Trinity Horton.

FEB. 2, 2017: On Saturday, January 28th, our Lady Eagles Cheerleading Team won 1st place in the Maryland Cup Cheerleading Competition that took place in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. This year’s team had way more synchronization and fewer falls than they did last year. Not only did the girls “Get In Formation”, but they had fun on the floor. It was a blast to watch the entire squad perform to perfection. The cheerleaders worked hard after school for several weeks practicing stunts which consisted of flips, jumps, and tumbles. The coaches, Ms. Beckwith and Dr. Shipp, were all smiles as Woodridge International’s name was announced. “This is absolutely fantastic!” Ms. Beckwith and Dr. Shipp screamed out cheers for their team. “We did this, yes we did!” says Ms. Beckwith, as they cheered.  Ms. Beckwith has been coaching the team to victory for the past seven years at Woodridge. The coaches along with parents ran to the floor to hug and squeeze the winning team. Next, our cheerleaders will be heading to the National Cheerleading Competition that will be held in March.

Janiya Rivera and Trinity Horton are  5th grade scholars at Friendship Woodridge Academy.