Cry Baby Brings Me To Tears of Joy

Review by Tsion Cummings. Photos from and

MARCH 22, 2017: The Cry Baby album follows the story of Cry Baby, a fictional version of a younger Melanie Martinez. The songs in the album reflect experiences in Cry Baby’s life. Songs such as “Alphabet Boy” and “Carousel” are some strong examples.

Don’t get surprised when you hear songs like “Tag You’re It”, “Milk and Cookies”, and “Mrs. Potato Head”. It may seem like a five-year-old child wrote these, but the songs actually have meaning. All of the songs on the album have a dark undertone. For instance, the song “Tag You’re It”, is not about some stupid game but about a kidnapping.

I unquestionably idolize this album. It is transcendent. Ever since I found it I can’t leave it alone. I can’t go a day without listening to this miscellany of songs. It has honestly changed how I listen to music. If you could only listen to music one more time, make it Cry Baby by Melanie Martinez.

Tsion Cummings is a freshman at Friendship Collegiate Academy.