Dining with Giraffes

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Story by Ahmed Abdul-Malik, FNN 6th grade reporter, FPCS Online Academy. Photo from Time.com

On 5/2/2021: I was eating when a giraffe’s head swooped in and ate the food right off my plate!

I saw a video about a place called Giraffe Manor and it looked like a lot of fun because unlike regular cafés there were giraffes that could peek into the café and be fed by the people who were sitting there. So I packed my bags and went to the airport. When I landed at the airport I went straight to the manor because it was also a hotel!  When I got there I asked for something on the menu and while I was eating, I looked outside and I saw a giraffe with a few other people. Then, I saw a giraffe look at me while I was eating. Then it started walking towards the window. I started moving back in my chair, when it swooped in and ate my food. I started laughing.

In conclusion, I think you should really visit here with your family. It's a good place to visit if you’re going on vacation. Here’s a link to some tours.