Dionel’s Big Future

Story by Dionel Grice. Edited by Sean Beach. Photo by Sean Beach. Photos from www.lsusports.net and www.blueangeles.navy.mili

OCT. 28, 2016: I currently take high school Spanish 1, Algebra 1, and an extra business class called Build because of my district MAP scores. If I get all of my high school credits by the tenth grade, I will be able to start dual enrollment at any college that I plan to attend. Dual enrollment allows you to take college courses without being in college. I plan to attend Louisiana State University and plan to get my masters degree in aerodynamics, and aerospace. While getting my masters degree in aerospace I will also join the airforce. After graduating college with my masters degree I will proceed with my dream to become a part of the Blue Angels Air Team. If I am not able to pursue my dreams in the Blue Angels, I will start my own kid’s music company so that I can help kids become great music artists as well as their own producers. I want to own a music company because I know how hard it was for me to get music classes in my school and music is something that I always enjoyed. I want to share my talent with others who can’t get it. These are my future plans and I hope to keep up with and fulfill them.

Dionel Grice and Sean Beach are 8th grade scholars at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.