FCA Rocks Candy Cane Day

Story by La’sha Green. Photo by Alexander Santos.

On December 19th, 2022, Friendship Collegiate Academy students and staff showed off their holiday spirit as they dressed in white and red. This day was a part of spirit week, which started on December 19th and ended on December 22nd. 

Ms. Golsby, our beloved history teacher, planned it. We had a holiday themed spirit week to bring in the holidays. It was a great way to start spirit week. 

It was also a hit amongst students. Junior Tylar Whitbly said, “Candy Cane Day had a lot of holiday spirit.” FNN advisor Ms. Merritt agreed, “It was simple, but cute.” 

Personally, I think it was an adorable and fun way to celebrate the holidays.

La’sha Green is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.