FCA Takes The Win For Homecoming Game!

Story by Isaiah Lipscombe. Captions by Dejour Sellers. Photos by Steven Terrell, Jr.

DECEMBER 18, 2014: The homecoming game was on Nov. 7, 2014 at Spingarn High School and FCA destroyed their opponent 33-6.

According to Elijah Hunter, right tackle, and senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy, “it was a little bit of mistakes, but even with the mistakes we had, we beat them up. They couldn’t do nothin’ with us for real, for real.”

“My job was to protect the quarterback and open lanes for the running back.” said Hunter when asked about his role on the team.

When asked who was better, the offense or the defense Elijah said, “it’s one whole team. We’re one whole team and work as a team.”

“I knew we were going to get the win” was his response to being asked about his confidence going into the game.

Isaiah Lipscombe is a 9th grade student at Friendship Collegiate Academy.

Dejour Sellers and Steven Terrell, Jr. are seniors at Friendship Collegiate Academy.