First 100 days Without Barack Obama

Story by Zamieyah Royall. Picture by Google

MARCH 30, 2017: Barack Obama was an awesome President who helped all of our people, blacks and whites. I love Barack Obama because he did not care about what race you were. Obama treated everyone like their culture was equal and he treated us the same.

I remember watching President Obama’s farewell address in class, and one thing that stood out to me was when he said, “We are all equal no matter the color of your skin.” Another thing I remember was during the speech Obama got emotional. This shows me that he really loved being our president. Obama was our president for eight years. Barack was the 44th president of the United States and also the first African American president. Barack Obama was our President from January 2009 until his term ended in January 2017.

I am so blessed to have experienced an African-American President because he did not care what your skin color was. Farewell Barack Obama you will truly be missed. We love you Barack Obama.

Zamieyah Royall is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.