Nadean Talley, Class of 2013

Nadean Talley

FCA Class of 2013                 Howard University Class of 2017 Majors in Chemical Engineering 

March 23, 2015: Nadean Brings a Positive Reaction:  I can’t help but smile when I see a fellow alum progressing so well at one the of the most famous HBCUs, Howard University.  It seems like just yesterday she was one of the middle school students writing fiction for Rated-T. Nadean is currently studying to be an chemical engineer. She is planning to pursue a career in biopharmaceuticals. I couldn’t be more proud her. I hope young girls watch this video so they can be inspired to get involved science.  We need more women in the field of science and I’m glad that Nadean will be one of them.  

Flonora Merritt, Class of 2008 Friendship Collegiate Academy; 2011 Manga Cum Laude graduate of Trinity Washington University; 2014 Alpha Phi Sigma graduate of Boston University, FNN Alumni Bureau Chief, webmaster and adviser.