Girl Scouts Are The Best

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Story and photo by Miracle Mason. 

JAN 15, 2020: Now that it’s the beginning of the year it’s time to sign up for after school clubs. Many girls are interested in joining the Girl Scouts club, but not everybody will be able to join. 

I have been a part of girl scouts for five years and I cannot wait to get home and ask my mother to sign my permission slip so that I can hurry up and turn it in. Turning in my permission slip early secures my spot in the most hands on, fun, party club of the year...the Girl Scouts of America.

I remember all the things we did in girl scouts since I started. Some of the best times were when we made slime, sold Girl Scout Cookies, made pizza, had a dance party, and went to the movies. I am looking forward to the Girl Scouts Lock-in Sleepover which will be hosted at the FPCS Southeast campus this year. 

The girls in Girl Scouts are like my sisters and the leaders are like second mothers to me. I really enjoy Girl Scouts and cannot wait to see what fun stuff we’ll be doing this year. If you want to be a girl scout, you have to be a girl and turn your permission slip in early.

Miracle Mason is a 4th grade scholar at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.