Good News for DC: Patrick Ewing Is On His Way

Story by Terrell Jackson. Photo courtesy of ESPN.

APRIL 10, 2017: On Monday, April 3, 2017, Georgetown University announced that Patrick Ewing, American retired NBA Hall of Fame basketball player would be the head coach of the men’s basketball team. He played most of his career with NBA's New York Knicks as their starting center. This is such great news for the District of Columbia’s basketball fans. As you know, Patrick Ewing was a great ball player and attended Georgetown University. For Georgetown players, this means that he has the “hook up” in so many ways when it comes to getting in the NBA. Players will now consider attending the university because they feel as if Patrick Ewing will help make their dreams come true. This also means that there might be a future championship at Georgetown University. People all over Washington, D.C. are thrilled to see the Ewing in action. Georgetown University might be a future breakout team, and I think Patrick Ewing will do a great job coaching.

Terrell Jackson is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.