Animal Trafficking: An Animal's Worst Nightmare

Story by Diamond Thompson. Photo courtesy of CBS.

APRIL 10, 2017: As part of the First Lego League (FLL) our Robotic’s team was challenged to research a topic in which humans and animals interact and we choose animal trafficking. Animal trafficking is illegally poaching animals for their skin or selling them on black markets as pets. There are many different reasons for animal trafficking and one reason is to sell the animals on the black market is to get money. One of the consequences of trafficking is serious prison time.

Most people don't know about animal trafficking but between 35,000 – 50,000 African elephants are poached a year for their tusks. Also, there are more tigers in American backyards than in the wild according to One Green Doing this project allowed my team the opportunity to present at NBSE, The National Black Science and Engineers Competition in Kansas City, Missouri. You can also click on Youtube and type up “Woodridge Animal Trafficking at” to watch our public service announcement.

Diamond Thompson is a 6th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.