Have You Been to the U.S Capitol?

Story by R’Nasia Murphy. Edited by Sean Beach. Photos by Sean Beach

OCTOBER 17, 2016: On September 29th, 2016, FNN Tech Prep had an opportunity to go to the U.S Capitol. While we were there, we had to wait in line to go into a theater to watch video about the importance and the history of the Capitol. When the video finished, we met our proper tour guide. We were given headsets that we put on so we could hear the tour guide even from far distances. The first place we went to was the dome. There was many statues surrounding the room of famous people who helped change the country for the better. There was statues of Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington. After that we went into Area 12. Area 12 is where the members of Congress and the House of Representatives have dinners and meetings with different people. We got to see the old council room that had sixty chairs that the U.S. senators sat in a long time ago. I learned that the U.S Capitol has two statues from every state. A statue of Rosa Parks was there, though it didn’t represent a state. Parks was just an important person who had a big impact on the country. We learned that the statues are made of copper and metal. I really liked that the tour guide asked questions for understanding. The U.S Capitol is very interesting in my opinion and historical in the matters of the United States of America.

R’ Nasia Murphy is a 6th grade scholar and Sean Beach is a 8th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.