I Wish I Could Live There

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Story By Corde’ Shaw, 6th Grade. Photo from https://www.google.com

SEPT. 9, 2020: The city you see in the picture is Dubai. It is one of the richest cities in the world. Dubai is known for being a place for luxury shopping. But you may ask how did it get to be so rich? 

Since I’ve never been there, I thought it was a good idea to take a little tour. Since Dubai was pretty much built off of the oil industry, the first place I wanted to see was their oil company. They said that they didn’t always sell oil, actually Dubai previously had a pearl industry. But once they discovered oil, they switched over to an oil business. They also said that they started selling oil after gaining independence from Britain, but didn’t discover oil until only 50 years ago.

The rest of the tour was mainly about their famous buildings, such as the Burj Khalifa. In my opinion the shapes of their unique buildings are what make Dubai look so rich, and to top it off they’re actually pretty rich. Going to see Dubai virtually was amazing and it would be incredible to see it in real life. If you ever get the chance to go I think that you should. With this being one of the richest places on Earth, I think it’s safe to say it will be an amazing trip for you and your family to take.

Corde’ Shaw is a sixth grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Middle School.