Is Getting Vaccinated A Good Idea?

Commentary by Khi Staton. Image from CNN News.

September 30, 2021. According to Sporting News, Lebron James just got vaccinated and is proud to represent the Los Angeles Lakers. "I know what I did for me and my family. I know some of my friends and what they did for their families. But as far as speaking for everybody and their individualities and things that they want to do, I don't feel like that's—that's not my job." 

Was Lebron’s idea to get vaccinated a smart idea? I think getting vaccinated is a bad idea based on some past experiences from the vaccine. It doesn’t seem to help because I believe people are dying from the vaccine. My best friend's father died in his sleep, after getting the vaccine. 

According to an FDA report issued in June, “To see if the vaccine is working, they gave half of their subjects a placebo and the other half the actual vaccine. Meaning the few who did take the vaccine, only a quarter of them could be protected from the virus.”  I believe that If people keep getting vaccinated, it could do more harm than good.

I believe that the vaccines the government is forcing us to take are ineffective. I predict that if more people are vaccinated, more people will die. Also if more people are vaccinated it will affect their health because the side effects from the vaccines can be harmful to the body. 

Khi Staton is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.