I’ve Earned My Stripes By Taking A Dive With Tiger Sharks

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Story by Marquise Wade. Picture from google.com

Hello Readers!

SEPT. 9, 2020: My name is Marquise Wade and this summer I am going on an amazing race around the world. Today’s destination was Grand Bahama Island. Yes, you read that right! Today, I visited the Grand Bahama Island and learned a lot of interesting facts about tiger sharks. Okay, okay! This race is virtual, but everything else I have said and will say is the whole truth and nothing, but the truth. 

Now, tiger sharks get their name from the stripes along their sides that look like tiger stripes. They are the fourth largest shark in the world. If you want to experience a tiger shark, you would have to travel to tropical or subtropical waters like here in the Grand Bahama because that is where tiger sharks can be found. When I saw that this was my first destination, I was a little nervous because when I thought about sharks, I thought about their big teeth and large size. But, I was happy to learn that I am thousands of times more likely to be killed in a car crash than eaten by sharks. Grand Bahama was an exciting way to kick off this amazing race.

Marquise Wade is a 4th grade scholar at FPCS Blow Pierce Academy.