Jumping Off an Invisible Bridge!

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Story by Ahmed Abdul-Malik, FNN 6th grade reporter, FPCS Online Academy. Photo from China Travel.

On March, 22, 2021, I bungee jumped off the Chinese Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge too soon, and fell fast!

I decided to go on a trip to the glass bridge in Zhangjiajie, China with one of my friends.. We rode over to the Zhangjiajie Qinghe Jinjiang International Hotel after we arrived at the airport. Later, we drove to the bridge. This bridge “has a vertical drop of 218 meters and its sway is a feature of the suspension cables. The bridge is made of a metal frame with more than 120 glass panels that you walk on. China isn't the only country in the world to build glass bridges, but this one is longer (430 meters) and higher (300 meters) than all of the others”, according to the kemkes website.  

When we got there, we started walking across it. I looked over the bridge and saw valleys and mountains. The valley under the bridge kind of reminded me of the movie “Avatar” because the mountains looked like they were floating like in the movie. 

My friend dared me to bungee jump, so I agreed. The guide helped us get over to the side of the bridge. I looked down through the glass floor of the bridge. It was a long fall! The guide said that we would jump one at a time but I hadn’t heard him, so when he started counting, I just jumped (oops). I felt like I was flying, but then I got yanked back up to the bridge.  My friend took his turn next.

Going to the glass bridge in China was really fun.  However, I don’t think it's a good idea if you have a fear of heights. Here is a link to information about this incredible glass bridge in China.