Keep Learning During the Summer

Story by Sean Beach. Photo from

MAY 19, 2017: Lately, I have been doing a lot of research on why students should keep learning during the summer—not only because it can help enrich our minds but also because it helps many students to make sure that they either are learning more than what they have learned during the school year or it will help them to remember most of the things that they did learn during the school year.

There are many ways for students to keep learning during the summer. They can even go to different types of summer camps such as STEM summer camps because mostly all Friendship schools are based off STEM curriculum. And, many students have been going to summer school even though it is not mandatory for them to go. If you don’t go to summer school or summer camps you can just work on some of the skills that you have worked on during the school year and sometimes find books that you know you will be interested in to read for about thirty minutes to an hour.

All of these things would make you even more prepared for the next school year. What do you think? Do students needs to keep learning during the summer? Write your opinions in the comment box below.

Sean Beach is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.