Kids Are Tasty


Video produced by Corde Shaw, 1st grade, Mikayla Decker, 3rd grade, Nya Offutt and D’Kherk Crandon, 5th grade. Introduction by Tayla Williams 4th grade, Nya Offutt 5th grade and Diamond Bryant 5th grade, FNN Southeast Bureau.    

JAN 4, 2016: On December 16, 2015, our Southeast Elementary school media team had a movie premiere of our Lego movie "Kids Are Tasty". What is our movie about? Danger, facing your fears, and working it out with teamwork. Click on it, it's so awesome.

Want to Make a Lego Movie?

Making our movie Kids Are Tasty was exciting. It was exciting because the Southeast Media Team learned about programming the robot and shooting the movie.  The team had fun making our Lego robots and using them in our own movie this summer. We are now going to tell you how we made this movie.

Here are the steps:

  1. We used the Lego books and instructions to see which robots to build and built zoo animals. We had to follow step-by-step instructions in our Lego robot books. But we also had to be precise so we could always get the right parts.
  2. After we built them, we hooked them up to the computer to program them so the computer could help the motor move. After this, we programmed the way the motor should turn and the sound it should make. And we also timed how long the motor should move.
  3. When we finished our robots, we made the background for our movie. We decided to make the background as a zoo because we made zoo animals. We also chose a zoo because it was natural for our animals.
  4. After we made the script, we discussed what the robots would do, say and where they would be placed.
  5. When we finished the script, we started to take videos of each scene on an iPad. And we made sure the robots were framed just right.
  6. To edit the video we used iMovie on a Mac computer. Also we used GarageBand to record and edit our theme song.
  7. In iMovie we put the video and theme song together. Then shared the video as MPEG-4 movie.

Corde’ Shaw is a first grade scholar, Nya Offutt  and D’Kherk Crandon are 4th grade scholars and Mikayla Decker is a third grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Academy.