Luxurious City

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Story by Gabriel McCrea, FNN 4th grade reporter for FPCS Online Academy. Photo from 

April 8, 2021: I feel so famous because I am going to the city where Tom Cruise shot one of his movies. Dubai is known for luxury shopping, architecture, and a beautiful nightlife. Did you know that Dubai is so rich that police cars are Lamborghinis and Dubai has a royal family. 

You might want to know why I am in Dubai. Well I graduated and went to Dubai for a forensic scientist job. Sara and Khalid are my friends that live here and have the same job so they convinced me to do my job here rather than anywhere else and I took the offer. 

Some things you can do are hiking, winter sports,  and climbing. If you want to see more, go to:

Hope to see you soon in the luxurious city of Dubai.