Movie Review: Selma

Review by Armani Robinson. Photo from Elevated Sight.

JULY 26, 2017: The movie Selma came out December 25, 2014. I saw this movie when I was in the 6th grade. I believe the actors worked really hard on this movie and from their performance, their hard work paid off. The actors’ performance was amazing. They showed so much emotion and dedication. One of the producers of this movie was Oprah Winfrey.

This movie tells the story of what happened in Selma Alabama. When I first watched this movie, it was very inspirational and very sad at the same time. It displayed events from the church bombings, such as the one on 16th Street in Birmingham, Alabama that killed the four girls. This led to the marches and protests such as the one they called Bloody Sunday that occurred in 1965. During this movie, I saw why it was still difficult for African Americans to vote. The legendary Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who led this non-violent protest was played by David Oyelowo. His performance stood out the most because, during his performance, he showed dedication and confidence throughout his scenes. Martin gathered people who were willing to march from Selma to Montgomery to fight for their rights. Once the movie was over I learned that I needed to appreciate the things I have now, because people back then had to go through a lot to get what we have now.

Armani Robinson is a freshman at Friendship Collegiate Academy.