Music has a New Beat

Story by Joy Sutton, photo courtesy of Anthony Jones.

DECEMBER 8,2014: “Without music, life would be a mistake,” is a famous quote posted in my music classrooms. Well, this is definitely true. Music is what connects so many of us in unique ways. Whether it’s gospel, jazz, country, R&B, hip hop or rock and roll, music is a universal language that awakens us all inside no matter how we are feeling. Well this year, students got a real taste of high quality music when a new member joined the Woodridge family.

Our school has a spectacular music teacher who will teach you anything you need to know about music. When asked to describe him, “three words come to mind,” one basketball player mentioned, “He’s hardworking, intelligent, and simply pleasant to be around,” says Jai King-Strange. “Everybody digs him because he’s a cool teacher and loves music.” 

Anthony Jones is from Houston, Texas, and moved to the Washington area to attend the school for music at Howard University where he received a Bachelor of Music in Jazz Studies, a minor in piano, and a Masters of Music.  Mr. Jones said he came to Woodridge because he wanted to teach music full-time and not be at a school that offered the arts part-time to students during the day. His passion lies in teaching scholars in elementary and 

middle school. 

Some of the fantastic ideas he has for the music program here at the school is to take the scholars to musical events around the city so that they can experience and actually visualize how professionals expand their music careers. So far this first half of the year, Mr. Jones has wooed parents, students, and teachers with his energetic personality and creative talents by establishing a small choir of musical talents located right here in the school, introducing students to various instruments, and even getting students to lead in solo singing performances in front of a large audience. 

When asked how long he thinks he will be here at Woodridge, he replied, “until I have made an impact on our community, and students grow to an appreciate music and instruments”. This is awesome! Just good news to our ears. A young male teacher who is eager to inspire minds to open a new world of the arts is absolutely amazing.  When students want to train with Mr. Jones to learn how to play an instrument or sharpen their skills, all they have to do is sign up to stay after school. Then they are automatically pushed on the road to success, and that’s something to sing about!

Joy Sutton is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.