Our Trip to A New Culture

Story and photos by Raysean Franciso. Video by Mikayla Decker, Tristen Head, Arianna Shaw, Saije Cathey and Cordé Shaw.

MAY 2, 2017: How can you become friends with a person from another culture? First, we read a book about a family from Vietnam that moved to the United States. The book told us about how people reacted to somebody that was different and how people can be misunderstood. Then we decided to take a trip to the Eden Center in Falls Church Virginia, so that we could experience Vietnamese food and see the clothes they wear.

What we experienced at the Eden Center was a lot of new cultures. We went to two places: a bakery, and a deli. We tasted a lot of different types of food, and they all had different names. Some of the foods were sesame balls, imperial rolls, and Boba tea. And it was all good. We also got a cool artifact of golden dragons.

We really hope that you can go and experience the Vietnamese culture for yourself.  

Raysean Franciso, Tristen Head, and Arianna Shaw are 2nd grade scholars; Saije Cathey is a first grade scholar; Corde Shaw is a third grade scholar and Mikayla Decker is a fifth grade scholar at Friendship Southeast Academy.