President Barack Obama Commutes Offenders’ Sentences

Story by Empris Graham. Edited by Sean Beach. Picture from

In my opinion, President Barack Obama is the first African-American President who has been given an opportunity to show that he knows what is best for America and the world.  During his presidency he constantly demonstrated that he was a president for the people.  During his final days in office he is continuing to demonstrate his position of “democracy for all”.  

After a careful briefing on multiple cases of various inmates, he decided to commute the sentences of 46 individuals who had been unfairly tried and unfairly convicted for various reasons.  In this case, “commute” means to have your jail time reduced or eliminated.  

As his memorable and historical presidency comes to an end, President Obama has chosen to utilize his executive power to commute the sentences of 774 individuals so that they are able to have a second chance at life.  As a president for the people he believes that the harsh punishments didn’t match their crimes.  After years of fighting for their freedom each of these hopeful people were granted executive clemency on December 20, 2016.  Some of these inmates served one to thirty years. Barack Obama reduced their sentences so they would be able to go home. Many of the inmates whose sentences were reduced are drugs offenders. President Barack Obama thinks the situation needs to be changed and carefully reviewed before people are sentenced and their lives are stolen for countless years. Way to go President Barack Obama, farewell!

Empris Graham and Sean Beach are 8th grade scholars at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.