Proliferating Seahorses!

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Story by Ahmed Abdul-Malik, FNN 6th grade reporter from FPCS Online Academy, 

Photo from Wild Republic.

On 5/20/2021: I traveled with some other divers to take some pictures of seahorses in the Coral Sea. They were holding onto some coral when we noticed one of the sea horses had white specks floating around it.

It all started when we got on the boat, and drove to the middle of the reef. I saw a lot of fish, because the water was really clear. We all put on our scuba gear and jumped into the water. The other divers started to take some pictures. I saw a bunch of seahorses holding on to the coral with their tails. I motioned with my hand for the other divers to come look. They swam over. Suddenly, one of the seahorses had small white specks around it. We realized it gave birth to a bunch of tiny baby seahorses!

This was an unusual, but really fascinating trip. You should try diving there! It was amazing! Here’s a link to some tours: