Race to the $250 Jackpot at the FPCS Speech Competition

Story by David Yanez. Photo courtesy David Yanez.

MAY 23, 2017: Have you ever entered a competition where you have to write an essay about an African-American person? Well, this was one of those competitions! Some Friendship students, including me, were lucky enough to participate in the semi-finals of the Friendship Public Charter School Second Annual Black History Month Oratory Competition. This competition was held on February 28, 2017, at American University Washington College of Law there were two categories based on grades. One of the categories was Elementary School, the other was Middle School, and each category had six students. The 1st place jackpot prize was $250 and a chrome-book, the 2nd place prize was $100, and the 3rd place prize was $50. There were only three winners in each category.

You are probably wondering what happened in the semi-finals. Well first, the lady who hosted welcomed everyone to the semi-finals. Then the judges introduced themselves. After that, the lady explained the rules of the semi-finals, and then the Elementary School category began!

When everyone had entered the room where the kids were going to say their speeches, the kids’ hearts were going up and down a lot, which only meant one thing -- they were anxious and worried about how they were going to perform!

While the kids were giving their speeches, there was a photographer taking photos of them. The judges were taking down notes and writing down how they performed. After all the kids in elementary school and middle school had given their speeches, a lady announced the three winners of elementary school and middle school. But no kid who made it to the semi-finals left without special items! She gave the kids who didn’t receive an award a bag including a gift card, a red bottle, and a shirt.

After the event concluded we had a lunch reception. I think most people there were thinking about eating the whole table of food because that long semi-final competition was sure to leave a lot of people hungry! All that drama was something!

David Yanez is a 4th grader at Friendship Armstrong Academy.