Posts tagged Reina Tindle
Freedom Summer: Day 1

We started our journey to retrace the steps of the freedom riders and to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Freedom Summer at DC’s own Friendship House. It was at Friendship House where some of the Freedom Riders began their journey and also where we began ours. 

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Freedom Summer: Day 2

It is the second day of our southern exploration. We left our hotel at 8:45 am and drove for four hours to Atlanta, Georgia. We went to Paschal’s Restaurant once we arrived in Atlanta, but we were unable to eat there due to communication complications. Instead of eating at Paschal’s...

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Freedom Summer: Day 3

We woke up in Birmingham, Alabama and had breakfast with Mr. James Webb. We then boarded the bus and headed back to Kelly Ingram Park. At the park we followed the Civil Rights trail, which informed us of numerous civil rights events that occurred in Birmingham. they also...

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Freedom Summer: Day 4

Today we woke up in Jackson, Mississippi. We all headed downstairs for breakfast and were introduced to Ms. Kenya Collins, Myrlie Evers’s assistant. Today is the day of my interview and I'm very excited. We all head to the bus and go to the Smith Robertson Museum and... 

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