The Best Summer Ever

Story and Photos by Sean Beach

SEPTEMBER 21, 2016.  This summer I did so many things. I went to Georgetown University, Disney World and New York City.

I was at Georgetown University for a week-long summer camp for 3D game design with ID Tech. I had a lot of fun there. I actually was able to stay on the campus at Darnell Hall, the freshman dorm. During this camp I learned how to use Minecraft which I never used before. We had to make different adventure maps to present to our parents as our final project. We also received diplomas to say that we completed the camp.

While I was at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL, I attended a National Youth Event (NYE) conference with my church. This conference theme was “Believe 2016”. These youth conferences are with the United Church of Christ throughout the entire country, including Hawaii. We weren’t just there for the conference.We also had 2 days to explore two different parks--Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. Each day during the conference we had different workshops that encourage youth to step up and help out the world. And each day we had a worship service which included singing, dancing and lectures that encourage youth of the United States to step up and help our country.

Lastly, I went to New York City for two weeks to visit my aunt. I really had a lot of fun there. I went to the beach pretty much every other day. The beaches that I went to were Riis Beach and Manhattan Beach. I also went to Coney Island in Brooklyn to see the fireworks and I also got on a few different rides. New York has beautiful scenery so everywhere I went I saw something that was very amazing to me. I was able to live the style of a New Yorker. We also went to an amusement park called Adventureland in Long Island, NY. Everytime that I go to New York I don’t feel that I am exploring New York. I actually find a lot of different things that you can’t find or do in DC.

Sean Beach is a 8th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.